We use Playerlineup to manage our team. Here's our schedule, latest notifications and attendance tracking. Welcome!

Sport Volleyball
Home city Waterbury
Team members 111 (Player list)

What’s the move?


I can possibly get two people to come if we don’t have enough by sunday.


Jam, we have enough to play this Sunday. The others will likely be welcome. Let's chat about that on Sunday. Thanks


You know the drill. We need minimum of 8 by Friday morning or I need to cancel. No football this Sunday. Sign up and play!


I just cancelled it. Too many unknowns and we don't have great numbers. Hope to see many of you next week.

Joe, hope your wife's ankle is doing better. I know looking after you has got to keep her running! :-)


sounds like the best plan. see you next week.

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Contact Information

Contact person: Dan Beideck, dan.beideck@uvmhealth.org,

Team leader: Players Name, email@address.com, 555 123 4567
