
I'm told that Crossett Brook has flooded the school. The gym is unavailable until at least Monday. I've therefore cancelled this Sunday. I can't attend next week, but am hopeful that we'll be okay to play by then. Sorry, I was looking forward to playing this weekend.


Hey all, i have the same two buddies from last week who would like to come. Would it be more the merrier, or do we not want anymore people coming this week?

Lee, profile photo

2 nets tonight, in case I forget will someone bring WD-40 or something for that one pole?


If I remember correctly the women's height poles fit in that tight socket a tiny bit better. I was thinking some very light sanding with sandpaper to smooth that metal collar might be a good idea.


We had a number of new players this past week. I'd like to go over how this works and mention some of the expectations for those folks.

The cost to play with us is $5 per session AND helping to set up and take down. It appears that only half of the people that played last week actually paid. If you didn't have money with you last week, bring extra the next time or venmo it to me.

If you plan to play with us, please sign up online before Friday morning. We have to let the school know by then if we are going to cancel for any reason, including not having enough signed up. You can sign up a guest online if they want to try it out and haven't subscribed yet. I'd ask that you talk to me first before inviting someone if you've only played with us once or twice. We're not trying to exclude anyone qualified, but do want to know who's coming and also want to keep this at a reasonably competitive level.

Please let me know if you have any further questions. You can find my email address under the roster section of playerlineup. Thanks


What’s the move?


I can possibly get two people to come if we don’t have enough by sunday.


Jam, we have enough to play this Sunday. The others will likely be welcome. Let's chat about that on Sunday. Thanks


You know the drill. We need minimum of 8 by Friday morning or I need to cancel. No football this Sunday. Sign up and play!


I just cancelled it. Too many unknowns and we don't have great numbers. Hope to see many of you next week.

Joe, hope your wife's ankle is doing better. I know looking after you has got to keep her running! :-)


sounds like the best plan. see you next week.